A lifetime opportunity فرصه العمر

Q. What is WAZZUB?

WAZZUB is the world’s one and only Profit Sharing Phenomenon.
It is the first online community that shares its profits with its free pre-launch members
simply for choosing WAZZUB as their home page after launch.
is always free for everyone.
Q. What is the Power of “We”?
It’s a fact: companies like Google or Facebook earn BILLIONS OF $$$ every quarter
just because we, the Internet users use their services.
It is time to understand, that we “the users” decide who is earning the big money.
If we together decide to use the services of a company that shares profits with us,
there is nothing that the other companies could do about it.
It’s so easy: the more users that join the WAZZUBFamily for free,
the more money we “the users” will earn!
That is what we call the Power of “We”!
Q. Who owns and operates WAZZUB?
WAZZUB is an international project that has been created by a handful of entrepreneurs and investors.
In September 2011 they founded GIT Global Investments, Inc. (GIT)
for the purpose of running WAZZUB and related businesses.
GIT is registered under the laws of Oregon. The Registration # is 802159-90.
A team of more than 20 specialists is working hard to turn WAZZUB into a huge success;
most of them are behind the scenes and some of them are visible for all members-
for example, our Master Distributor and our Support Staff.
Q. Where is WAZZUB’s office?
GIT’s registered office is at 391 NW 179th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97006
and our WAZZUB headquarters is located at 7251 Lake Mead Blvd, Suite 364, Las Vegas, NV 89128.
Q. WAZZUB sounds too good to be true. Is WAZZUB a scam or is it a real business?
For sure WAZZUB is doing real business but it is no traditional business.
The Internet is changing the world and there is enough space for innovative business models
that have never been done before. WAZZUB is one of those business models.

For the first time ever a global online community is sharing its profits
with its pre-launch members. That is why we named it the first Profit Sharing Phenomenon.
Actually, WAZZUB is too good to pass up.
Q. How does WAZZUB make money?
WAZZUB makes money in many different ways.
On April 9 we will launch a state-of-the-art website with patent-pending technology.
On this page we’ll display ads and special deals.

In fact, we do exactly the same as companies like Facebook, Google, AOL and Yahoo.
They offer free services and earn billions of $$$ just by displaying ads and special offers.
The only difference is that we share our profits with our pre-launch members.
Q. How and when do the members get paid?
WAZZUB pays its members on a monthly basis.
Our first pay day will be May 15, 2012 for the month of April.
Small amounts will be paid by an online payment processor
and large amounts will be paid by check or bank wire.

However, WAZZUBis working on a simple global payment solution to best serve our world-wide community.
Q. Is it true that the members get paid US$1 per person in their 5 generations family?
There is no fixed amount that will be paid to all members.

During pre-launch, every member is building his personal $FACTOR
by inviting other members to join WAZZUB for free.
Each new member, 5 generations deep let your personal $FACTOR grow by 1.

After launch, the members’ $FACTORs are fixed and by adding them up
we receive the total amount of $FACTORs (= the global $FACTOR).
Each month we calculate WAZZUB’s profit and divide it by the global $FACTOR
to determine the actual multiplicator.

Example: Let’s say that the profit to be shared for the month of April is $4 million
and the global $FACTOR is 5 million.
Each member would earn $0.80 per personal $FACTOR
($0.80 x your personal $FACTOR = your income for that particular month)

If there would be $5 million to share, the multiplicator would be $1.00 and at $6 million it would be $1.20.
The more free members that set up WAZZUB as their home page after launch,
the more money the pre-launch members will earn.

فرصة ذهبية وجديدة لمن يريد ان يحصل على راتب شهري ثابت وللابد وبدون اي رأس
مال !
موقع اجتماعي جديد مثل Google , facebook يدفع نصف أرباحه للاعضاء المسجلين
قبل البدء بشرح المشروع أرجو من جميع من يقرأ هذه الصفحة أخذها بجدية لأنها
يمكن ان تغير حياتك .
(علما ان التسجيل مجاني ولا يوجد تعريض للخطر لأي مستخدم )
هو WAZZUB هذا الموقع هو عبارة عن شركة تستثمر الملايين لتأسيس موقع ضخم ومتعدد
الاهداف مثل Google.
لكن هذه الشركة تعتمد حاليا طريقة جديدة مسجلة كبراءة اختراع لنشر الموقع وخدمة
الزبائن .
كيفية العمل؟؟
كثير منكم يعرف ان Google خدماتها مجانية لكنها تربح أكثر من 500$ كل ثانية
وهذا من الدعاية والاعلان وكذلك Facebook .
شركة WAZZUB هي شركة جديدة خططت لتوزيع 50%من ارباحها كنوع من برامج الدعاية
لكل مشترك فقط قبل تاريخ الاطلاق
9 / 4 / 2012 .
كيفية الحسبة ؟؟
هناك شيء يسمى معامل الدولار أو $ factor وهو يزداد (1) مقابل كل شخص انت دعوته
عن طريق الرابط الخاص بك او دعاه شخص ممن دعوتهم
يعني كل شخص مدعو عن طريقك أو عن طريق من تحتك هو سهم لك وله عائد شهري يساوي
دولار .
الموضوع سهل انشاءلله . من منا ليس لديه 5 أصدقاء ؟
لو انت وهم كل واحد دعا (5) أصدقاء . كم يكون عن طريقك من المشتركين ؟
5×5×5×5×5 = 3125 شخص
أي3125 دولار شهري مدى الحياه .
هذا ليس تسويق شبكي وهو غير محدود للمستوى الواحد. حيث يمكن ان تدعو 3 أشخاص أو300
انت حر بقدر كم من المجهود ستبذل .وهذا خاص فقط للناس المشتركين قبل
السؤال1: ما هو موقع Wazzub ؟
الجواب: Wazzub هو موقع اجتماعي جديد مثل الفيس بوك , تويتر , جوجل , موقعنا
يستخدم نفس التكنولوجيا مع بعض الاضافات .
السؤال2: بماذا سأستفيد منه ؟
الجواب: موقع Wazzub موقع ربحي تستطيع من خلاله جني الكثير من
أول خطوة هي التسجيل لكي يزيد عدد المستخدمين فيه ومن ثم سيتم دفع 50% من جميع
الأرباح على الأعضاء و 50% الأخرى تذهب إلى المساهمين الذين يستثمرون الكثير من
المال لجعل WAZZUB يحدث ويصبح ثورة المواقع .
السؤال3: بعد التسجيل ، ما هو المطلوب مني ، هل سأضغط على إعلانات او سأشتري
شيء ما ؟
الجواب: لا طبعا , كل ما عليك هو التسجيل فقط ، ولن يطلب منك الا ان تجعل
صفحة الموقع صفحتك الرئيسية (Home Page) كدليل على نشاط عضويتك فقط لا غير .
الموقع سيفتتح رسميا يوم 9/4/2012
وأول دفعة ستكون بتاريخ 15/5/2012 انشاءلله .
للاشتراك(المجاني) اضغط الرابط التالي :
** يجب التسجيل عن طريق
او اي ايميل غير hotmail
لانه لايستقبل مسج التأكيد
للتسجيل الرجاءنسخ ولصق الرابط ادناه

عند الدخول الى الرابط اعمل ما يلي:
1- املأ الاستمارة في اسفل الصفحة .
2- إذهب الى ايميلك واضغط على الرابط الذي سيرسله الموقع لك
وهكذا انتهى التسجيل بنجاح *.
* ملاحظة: يجب تأكيد الاشتراك عن طريق ايميل تبعثه الشركة بعد الاشتراك مباشرة
وبدونه لن يتم تفعيل حسابك ويمكن ان تجد الرسالة في (spam) وهي الرسائل الغير
مرغوب فيها لاول مرة ..
3- بعد أن تفتح الموقع ستجد في أعلى اليمين زر فيه مفتاح إضغط عليه لكي تدخل
الى حسابك
4- داخل حسابك سوف تجد رابط التسجيل الخاص بك (لكي تدعو اصدقاءك عن طريقه)وعدد
الاشخاص الذين يزيديون برصيدك يوميا انشاءلله .
وهذا الرابط يشبه الرابط الذي زودتك به في هذه الصفحة وهو
للتسجيل هنا
وهذا الرابط هو الرابط خاصتك الذي سيدخل عليه الاشخاص عن طريقك
ملاحظة مهمة جداً :
يجب البدء بالتسجيل ودعوة الناس فوراُ لانه لديك حتى 9/4/2012 فقط لتجميع اكبر
عدد ممكن من الاعضاء وأن هذا الموقع سيكون اكثر نجاحا من كل المواقع الاجتماعية
الاخرى انشاءلله .
ان هذه الفرصة من الفرص النادرة التي يمكن ان تمر بنا
وانني اشعر بانني سأندم كثيرا اذا ضيعتها
وخاصة انها لن تكلفني شيء للاشتراك بها.
" اذا أردت أن تنتظر للتتأكد ان كل أمر تقوم به هو الصواب , فعلى الاغلب لن
تفعل شيء في حياتك ابدا
hurry up before 09 Apr 2012
Hi,This is an Important opportunity which can change our lives for ever. So pls. read this email and take action.
I am sending this email so that you can use it to contact your friends to join under you. When you use the email make sure that you change the name to your friend's name and also change my link with your link which you will receive after joining this site.Pls. read the email below and see for your self.( Once you joined you can copy this email to all your friends. You must change the link to your's).You are about to position yourself for thefortune of a lifetime for FR'EE.By this summer, Wazz Ub will be a householdname ~ with 60 million members, and just asfamous as Google, Facebook and Twitter.And, now, here is the Amazing part: When youjoin Wazz Ub for FR'EE, I will earn $1 everymonth for the rest of my life.Things will become even more amazing fromthere for you ~ because every time you havesomeone join for FR'EE, you also will earn $1every month for the rest of your life as well!!How Is All This Possible ??First off, let's put this into clear perspective.Google and Facebook are used daily by peopleworldwide. But those corporations keep billionsof dollars in revenues for themselves.By contrast, Wazz Ub will provide the primaryservices similar to Google ~ but with one bigdifference! Instead of keep all revenues foritself, Wazz Ub will pay 50 percent of revenuesto its members....Everyone joins for FREE !!... Because this is new, you are at the TOPOF THE PROVERBIAL ROCKET !!... You will earn $1 for every person thatjoins under you, five levels deep!This is a life-changing program, and you willnever have to spend a single panny !!~ Timing is Everything ~You can set yourself up for life financially- for F*R*E*E -and earn Massive Passive Residual Income everymonth like nothing else out there.~ This can happen at LIGHTNING SPEED becauseit's always FR*E*E for all ~The more F*R*E*E members you invite, the moremoney you will make.Remember, you could earn about $1.00 per personin your "UNLIMITED" width x 5 generations-deepWAZZUB family. (depending on the company growth)If that doesn't seem like much, watch what happens...You simply invite 5 friends to join for f*r*e*eforever and they do the same 5 generations:1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.002nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.003rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.004th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.005th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 everymonth FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE for doing NOTHINGdifferent than what you are currently doing every day.Most people will invite more than 5 f*r*e*e members.What if everyone invited just 10 people?That amount would EXPLODE to: $111,110.00 per monthin passive residual income for LIFE!Here's the KICKER: It doesn't stop there. The morepeople you invite the more money you'll make. Thenumber of people you can invite is UNLIMITED. Try20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves F*R*E*E.~The sky truly is the limit here at WAZZUB ~My recommendation:Step 1 - go he
Step 2 After joining for FREE at the link   

above, checkyour email account's in-box or spam/junk email folder.Open an email that the company has sent to you, and clickan activation link in that email.IMPORTANT: You must click the activation link in the emailthat you receive in order to qualify to receive funds,starting in May 2012.
Good Luck, and God Bless !!PS: Those who don't join today for FREE for whateverreason will likely regret their procrastination forthe rest of their lives ~ telling themselves, "I couldhave joined for FREE when this was brand new, and nowit's a household name with tens of millions of members ...Just think what my life would be like today, if Ihad joined then..."

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